Leading the care service and managing teams of carers to look after adults with care needs.

Funding £7000.00
A Leader in Adult Care has responsibility for managing community or residential based services. This role has a large element of leadership, whether with other care workers and networks or in leading the service itself. A successful apprentice will have met all the requirements. They have a responsibility to ensure the service is safe, effective, caring, responsive to people’s needs and well-led. They may be a registered manager of a service, unit, deputy or assistant manager. They will be responsible for ensuring regulatory compliance of the care given and the values and training of staff with established standards and regulations.
These are the personal attributes and behaviours expected of all Leaders in Adult Care carrying out their roles:
Care – is caring consistently and enough about individuals to make a positive difference to their lives
Compassion – is delivering care and support with kindness, consideration, dignity, empathy and respect
Courage – is doing the right thing for people and speaking up if the individual they support is at risk
Communication – good communication is central to successful caring relationships and effective team working
Competence – is applying knowledge and skills to provide high quality care and support
Commitment – to improving the experience of people who need care and support ensuring it is person centred
Leaders in Adult Care may work in residential or nursing homes, domiciliary care, community day centres, a person’s own home or some clinical healthcare. settings. The role of Leader in Adult Care in this standard also covers Personal Assistants who operate in a management role but they may only work directly for one individual who needs support and/or care services.
Typical job titles include registered, assistant, deputy, unit or service manager.
What the Leader in Adult Care on completion must know and understand:
Tasks and responsibilities
Statutory frameworks, standards, guidance and Codes of Practice which underpin practice in relation to the safe delivery of services
Systems and processes needed to ensure compliance with regulations and organisational policies and procedures including health and safety and risk management
Principles of risk management, assessment and outcome based practice
Principles and underpinning theories of change management including approaches, tools and techniques that support the change process
Legislative and regulatory frameworks which inform quality standards
Theories and models that underpin performance and appraisal including disciplinary procedures
Dignity and human rights
Legislation and policy initiatives on the promotion of diversity, equality and inclusion in services they lead
Legal and ethical frameworks in relation to confidentiality and sharing information
Range of tools and strategies to enhance communication including technology
Legislation, national and local solutions for the safeguarding of adults and children including reporting requirements
The elements needed to create a culture that supports whistleblowing in the organisation
Health and wellbeing
Models of monitoring, reporting and responding to changes in health and wellbeing
Professional development
Principles of professional development
Goals and aspirations that support own professional development and how to access available opportunities
Elements needed to create a culture that values learning, professional development, reflective practice and evidence based practice
Systems and processes necessary to ensure professional development opportunities are identified, planned, sourced, evaluated and recorded for workers
Theories of management and leadership and their application to adult care
Features of effective team performance
What the Leader in Adult Care on completion must be able to do:
Tasks and responsibilities
Develop and apply systems and processes needed to ensure compliance with regulations and organisational policies and procedures
Implement strategies to support others to manage the risks presented when balancing individual rights and professional duty of care
Develop and apply systems and processes that monitor and sustain quality of the service, including assessments, care plans and service delivery
Lead and support others to work in a person centred way and to ensure active participation which enhances the well-being and quality of life of individuals
Encourage and enable both staff and people who access care and support to be involved in the co-production of how the service operates
Manage all resources in delivering complex care and support efficiently and effectively
Dignity and human rights
Develop and lead implementation of organisational practices to create and sustain a culture that actively champions dignity and respects diversity, inclusion and fairness in the workplace
Develop and lead a culture that values courage in working in ways that may challenge workers’ own cultural and belief systems
Develop and implement organisational processes to ensure that records and reports are written clearly and concisely and to keep information safe and preserve confidentiality
Translate policy and guidance into understandable information for a range of audiences including people who access care and support, carers and families and other colleagues
Implement systems to train and support work colleagues to enable them to recognise and respond to potential signs of abuse and or unsafe practices, following organisational policies and procedures
Monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of organisational policies, systems and processes for safeguarding
Health and wellbeing
Lead the implementation of policies, procedures and practices to manage health, safety and risk to individuals and others in health and social care to ensure compliance with legislation, standards and guidance
Implement health and safety and risk management policies, procedures and practices to create a culture that values health and well-being in the organisation
Monitor, evaluate and improve health, safety and risk management policies and practices in the service
Professional development
Apply evaluated research and evidence-based practice in own setting
Take initiative to research and disseminate current drivers in the adult care landscape
Embed systems to improve performance of self and/or work colleagues through supervision, reflective practice and learning and development opportunities
Show a well-developed sense of their own behaviour and impact on others modelling a values-based culture
Create a supportive culture that values initiative and innovation and recognises the variety of skills of all within the service, both workers and individuals supported
Adopt a team approach, recognising contributions of team members and able to lead a team where required.
Typically 18 months
Level: 5